Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Lose anything but NEVER EVER lose yourself. Or you'll REGRET.
Because the journey back to the preferred path hurts.

I keep telling myself I gotta learn from my mistakes.
So what have I learned lately?
-Trust only people you can trust.
-Stop being fake and get over the foolishness. Cause people roll their eyes at what I do.
-Collect more information before you speak. Make sure you know what you are talking about. Dont know what to say? Then Zip Shut!
-People are not that simple, live cautiously. Especially when you open your mouth. Cause for some reason I dont know, my words by nature always gets me in trouble. Tend to get on people nerves when I dont even notice it. Sighz... 病从口入,祸从口出。

A group of people stronger than others.
Whom everyone tries to get close to,
but at the same time fear so much.
Respect is super taken into account.
Eyes of an eagle they have,
They use it well.
Live out yourself? Bullshit. Cause fear takes over.
The truth? I wont lie, I Fear You. all.

Have you known the feeling of changing for the better? When you strive and strive, but in the end in other people's eyes your efforts = nothing. I swear I tried real hard. You plant a tree but it bears no fruits? What a tragedy.

Since when life became so complicated?
Jay, Sher, Keat, Jim, Yi, I miss the old times.

drip drop drip drop... FINE

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