Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tagged by ChiYiu <3

Hey earthlings! ^^
So long didnt update le..
Almost 2 weeks! XD sorry ya~
For the sake of keeping my blog alive,
some recent news:

CNY was a blast!
despite the fact that i took 3 heavy textbooks & homework with me but ended up doing none of them~ Haihz...

Will post the CNY pictures later~

Damn tired today!!!! Omg~ Skipped Hijau today~
Bad Girl! @.@
I've been training the whole morning weyy...
Tomoro going for Netball MSSD in Assunta~
Loving my teamates~ =D
Wish me luck? ^^

Hmm... Sienz... lots of homework to catch up with...
& my fully packed schedule is about to start~
So i'll TRY to make time for blogging la...
Urgh.... tired~ T.T

My dear's class change back le...
sobz... so far dy...
Miss you wor!

Anyway, sudden memory of ChiYiu tagging me~
So... erm...Enjoy~

tagged on 6/01/09
第一: 被点者请在自己的 Blog 里写下答案
第二: 请传另外十位的人
第三: 传阅人"请在于这十位当中斗留言版" 告知他(她)被点名了
第四: 这当中的十位的人‘不得拒绝’
第五: 被点者"请注明被谁点了"在哪接到 "在传给下十位"
第六: 这些 "被点名者" 你们被点会得到祝福, 并且 "愿望会实现" ,也会得到 "幸福套餐" 开始咯!!
幸福套餐 NO.1
01 你的绰号 : Amy, mii, mummy? lolz! BiHui & Anyi's genius ideas
02 年龄 : 16 , 2009.
03 生日 : 19/03/1993
04 星座 : pisces
05 兴趣 : interested in almost everything
06 专长 : strong persistence? talk? act?
幸福套餐 NO.2
01 你有没有喜欢的人?: sure ^^
02 是否在交往?: you bet!
03 现在幸福吗?: Sweet~
04 如果上天给你勇气,最想做什么事?:
Shout out & tell the world how much i'm loved!

05 如果有天,你爱的人跟你告白的话?: say yes again!
幸福套餐 NO.3
01 最爱的节目: hmm... so many
02 最爱的音乐: meaningful ones, light
03 最爱的季节: help me choose between autumn & winter
04 最爱的卡通: The swan lake & Anything from disney
05 最爱的人: my family, dear & friends
06 最爱的颜色: almost all the colors you can think of.. / Lime Green
07 最爱的国家: no idea... i think i can survive in malaysia~
08 最爱的天气: cloudy/ starry XD
幸福套餐 NO.4
01 如果上天给你三个愿望:
- God's will be followed by all human race
-All that i have faith in is true
-Spending eternity with my loved ones
02 你是很专一的人吗?: no doubt!
03 最深刻的回忆?: Hmm... My time with friends, good & bad
04 你是个很有信心的人吗?: Over confident sometimes... What do you think?
05 你很爱微笑吗?: Sorry, not very used to yet...
06 如果你要放弃你现在的生活,你愿意吗?: The thing i fear most
07 妄想什么样的生活?: Happy ever after? i'm not difficult contented
08 是否横刀夺爱才是爱?: Erm... I dont understand the question... Love by force is torturing?
调 卷到此结束 "点人者请至于被点者的留言版" 告知被点名了!请列出于十位被点者: YongQing. BiHui. JingWei. WenBin. WengMing. EeJay. Jun Poey. AdrianChia. JoshuaLim. DeniseP.

Haha! Have fun!

p.s. Admiring dear's effort on getting very beautiful & meaningful songs to entertain his visitors..
Keep up the good work! MuackX!

Had a long stare at u, because i knew that i would miss u when we part.
I had something in mind, wondering whether to say ... or not to...
lolz.... sorry... i just couldnt help staring,
coz i told myself i dont want to ever forget the way u smile~

29 02 2009

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